Every once in a while, a new technology, an old problem, and a big idea turn into an innovation.
– Dean Kamen

Web Solutions, Web Security, WCAG Compliance and more...

Finding the Best Website Solutions and tailoring them to my customer's specific needs and goals.

Getting eyes on your business, giving it an online boost, getting the phone ringing... that's what it's all about. If you don't have a long list of established customers, your online appearance can help or hurt you. More people are shopping & researching online than at any other point in history, and it will only increase.

You don't have to have an online store, you don't even have to have a large scale website to attract business. It can be something as simple as a few pages displaying your products and services. Mythic Web can build, develop & program any kind of website solution you need. Specialized in your field, unique to your marketing theme.

Web Design & Development

A good website design has 3 important characteristics. 1. It should be unique enough to portray the individual character of your business. 2. It should be welcoming enough to attract new customers, and 3. It should have a common-sense structure, to keep them looking around.

It can arguably be said that the design is the most important aspect of the site. This is what draws your customers first look, and it can keep them or send them away. The design should attract an extended target audience for best results, but also maintain the unique personality of your business.

To understand the different components of web design, discover your options, and learn what is best for your business:

Programs & Web-Apps

Custom forms, data collection, user registration, extensions, integrations, script modification, database storage

Increase your work efficiency online. Boost interactivity with customers. Collect, retrieve and format user information, office records & contracts... and more. Extend your online store or website with functionality unique to your business.

Web Accessibility

ADA (Americans for Disabilities Act) and WCAG (Website Content Accessibility Guidelines) are two standards that go hand in hand. Give the disabled the same ease of use that you currently enjoy!

When a disabled person enters a store, there are certain rules that the owner must follow to give them accessibility. There are certain limitations to being online when it comes to disabled access, but these are changing. Website content can now be read aloud. Forms can be submitted by command. Fonts, colors, and images can be changed at the push of a button.

These accessibility standards are worth paying attention to. Lawsuits are increasing, and new policies are now on the table to make the web as friendly for everyone as it can be.

Learn more about these standards and how they can be added to your website:

Maintenance & Support

A website ages, believe it or not. As new versions of programming languages appear, browsers are updated, plugins are updated... it is likely that some functionality will (eventually) cease to work. We take preventative measures, but in the case where an update is needed, we can keep your site functional and running clean.

  • Create a scalable site to make updates as painless as possible.
  • Keep backups at update points, in case a need to revert is necessary.
  • Optimize your site, occasionally cleaning the database to keep away spam.
  • Run analyization tools to fix broken links, tags, and clean page formatting errors.


Walkthrough step-by-step training. Guided support. Quick Guides & Documentation. Tutorial links & references if they apply.

Person to person guidance at the customers level (as little technical jargon as possible). 1 Hour free complimentary training when I build/rebuild a site for you. 2 months free support for maintenance, how-to's, etc... which could also include some in-person guidance. Schedules are not strict so it is likely (but not guaranteed) that I will continue to offer free support (for short time spans) throughout the life-cycle of your site.

We won't leave you blind when your site is complete. You will learn how to work with content, images, add-ons, basic formatting tags and anything else required to keep your site active and current.

  • Create new pages and edit existing ones.
  • Format content and insert / align images.
  • Learn add-on galleries, forms and additional funcionality.
  • Create good looking blogs, articles and news feeds.